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The 2021 Reset Guide -- Because We All Need It

new year resolution ideas for students self care manifesting and giving back

After the year we’ve had, it’s definitely time for a reset! There's no time like January to reflect & think about what we truly want to put our energy into. Here are the top 3 things that we believe will bring all the good vibes for 2021: selfcare, manifesting, & giving back.




new year resolution ideas for students burn sage to cleanse space


Let’s start with self care, because we’re no good to anyone else until we take care of ourselves.

First thing’s first: cleanse. your. space. Did you ever hear that saying about how you become like who you're around most? Yeah, well that applies for dingy living spaces too. Besides beating out the cushions of your sofa and reorganizing that paper stack on your desk, here are some things that you can burn to help set the right space for all the good things that will happen there in 2021:

Palo Santo: for prosperity

Cedar: for decluttering

Juniper: for comfort

Rosemary: for new beginnings

Sandalwood: for grounding 

White Sage: to combat negative energy (but try to only burn this if it’s native to your culture. It’s becoming endangered, so we gotta preserve it when we can! Learn more about alternatives to sage here.)



new year resolution ideas for students himalayan salt lamp


And, if you don’t want to burn anything, turn on your Himalayan salt lamp! We alllll know what these are and we all probably have one because hey- they're cute! But did you know that they are also known to release negative energy ions & create a feeling of prosperity & peace?! So light ‘em up!

After you’ve cleansed your space, bask in it. Light a candle, take a bath, throw in a bath bomb, and you're ready to start step 2: manifesting for 2021. 




new year resolution ideas for students girl writing manifestations


Manifesting is essentially the idea that if you think it, it will come. You are bringing something you want to happen in your life to fruition by believing and attracting it. And how you manifest is up to you! Some people write in a journal, some meditate & practice yoga (click here for a solid meditation/yoga playlist), some speak their manifestations out loud --awkward, but powerful-- or some even create a vision board! (aka what you can finalllly use that cute bulletin board for that's just laying around with a couple random photos on it)

PS- you should know, if you make a vision board and don't share it with us on @getbacknecklaces we'll be a little upset. ANYWAY- up next is giving back!


new year resolution ideas for students girl writing manifestations





Another way to set the tone for the new year is giving back to your community & helping others out. It not only just feels GOOD but it also can help you find out more about yourself! It can be something as small as paying for the order of someone behind you in a drive-thru or something as big as creating eco-friendly, covid-conscious care packages for people in need in your community & delivering them to spread some love (in a pandemic-safe way, of course.) We're actually headed out to do that in the next couple weeks so if you want to see what we put in our bags and replicate that, stay tuned on @getbacknecklaces! Another easy way to think about others is to simply reach out! There are a lot of people right now who are feeling lonelier than usual. A quick email, letter, text, or call can really brighten someone's day and make them know you care. We decided to send postcards to a couple friends we hadn't talked to in a while!


new year resolution ideas for students girl writing postcards


Whatever you decide to do this New Year, do it with good intentions! 2021 is a year full of hope and new beginnings ✨ Surround yourself with good people & good pups. 


new year resolution ideas for students dog wearing st christopher necklace on collar


We’re stoked to see what it holds for us (& for you!) 

If you try any of these out, post about it & tag us ❤️ We want to see all the ways you are resetting for 2021🎉


new year resolution ideas for students girl writing postcards from get back necklaces



Read next:   How To Host The Grooviest Friendsgiving - The Get Back Way

How To Host The Grooviest Friendsgiving - The Get Back Way


  • Thanks bridget! Appreciate you! :)

  • I love this! this is the perfect way to start the year <3


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