Hey, guess what?! Happy spring! We love this season, it’s kind of ~symbolic~ to us. Spring represents NEW. Fresh starts, baby!! Flowers are finally blooming, it’s getting a littleeee bit warmer (warm enough to go on that beach adventure you’ve been waiting all winter for) and the days feel longer. And hey- spring also comes with some dreary days- which sometimes feel like they last an eternity. But April showers bring May flowers! Or, as we like to say it- no rain, no flowers. Because doesn’t that just so apply to life?!
Sunshine is fuel and there’s nothing that beats it, but without those rainy days, would we really appreciate the sunny ones as much?
It’s our mantra this year. NO RAIN NO FLOWERS! Whenever we’re having a bad day, we’re just gonna know that it just means good days are coming.

And hot tip: mini adventures can happen on dreary days too. Even if it’s just taking a short drive to a place you haven’t been to before, listening to that song that makes you feel some type of way (check out our Spotify if you need some inspo) or throwing some stuff down in your journal. The small moments can turn dreary into dreamy.

We also made a few new products to capture that mind set. The Summer State of Mind Sets are hereee! They’re the beginning of lots of new GB coming so we like to think of them as our ~coming of age~ pieces. They are the sunshine on those dreary days this spring :)

Challenge: capture some mems on your film cam this month. Throw on a GB Surf House Baby Tee, and go on that adventure you may have been putting off. Don’t forget to romanticize the little moments! That’s the most important part.
Check out our insta to see some of our fav little moments from the past month, and share yours with us :)